Is Improved Evidence the Next Big Priority for Impact Investing?

Check out my latest blog post for The Rockefeller Foundation about momentum for building an evidence base for impact investing, coauthored with Veronica Olazabal and Shawna Hoffman. While the field of impact investing is relatively young, there is a sense of increased priority and urgency around impact measurement data in order to build a case for the feasibility of impact investing across a variety of actors – from philanthropies to high net worth individuals to hedge funds.

I am pleased to have authored two case studies featured in this post that demonstrate this momentum towards building an evidence base through rigorous impact measurement and management (IMM). The first, coauthored with my colleague Haley Millet, focuses on Toniic’s T100 project. An IMM system for Toniic members, T100 is designed to deepen investors’ understanding of their portfolios, build a community of practice, and create a robust longitudinal database for impact investing. The second case study follows the journey of Green Canopy, an organization committed to promoting access to sustainable housing, as they developed their impact thesis to systematically map causal pathways between strategies and intended impact.

Read the full post on The Rockefeller Foundation website, along with the Toniic and Green Canopy case studies.